

但在授权委托的分类中,存在 general power of attorney 和 special power of attorney。general power of attorney 指权限更大的授权,而 special power of attorney 指授权范围有限的授权。

Also known as a limited power of attorney (LPOA), a special power of attorney allows an individual to give another person the ability to make certain legal or financial decisions on their behalf.

While a special power of attorney gives the agent authority for a limited set of actions under a restricted set of circumstances—such as buying or selling a home, withdrawing money from an account, or running a business—a general power of attorney is more broad.

A general power of attorney grants the agent the legal right to make all financial and legal decisions on behalf of the principal.

综上,从授权权限的范围大小来看,在具体的语境中,可以考虑用 special power of attorney 翻译一般授权,用 general power of attorney 翻译特别授权。


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