原告 VS 被告

在尚未立案前,原告应称为 Claimant,诉讼立案后才可称为 Plaintiff。被告为 Defendant。

  • The “claimant” is the person who has been injured and who would be making a claim for their injuries.

  • The word “plaintiff” isn’t used until there is a lawsuit started.

  • The party responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries is known as the “defendant.”



上诉人 VS 被上诉人

The party appealing the case is called the appellant or the petitioner. The appellee or the respondent is the opposing party.

申请人 VS 被申请人

仲裁的申请人为 Claimant,被申请人为 Respondent。

Claimant (the party who initiated the arbitration)

Respondents (the parties who have been sued)


  1. 张诗尧(Joey Zhang),译者/法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格,长期从事法律翻译、法律检索、商业翻译
  2. 博客地址:Joey's Blog
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