
但是在英语中,既有cybersecurity,也有cyber safety的概念。在中国近年不断加强的网络安全立法、执法活动中,网络安全对应的是哪个概念呢?

  • 根据IBM的定义,cybersecurity是为了保护信息系统,抵御外部攻击。更常用于描述企业、组织,而非个人。
  • 根据美国CISA(Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency)的描述和这份指南的描述,cyber safety更强调个人的安全,比如避免账户被盗、线上骚扰等。

但是令人困惑的是,美国拜登政府通过行政命令,设立了一个新的机构,用来提升美国网络安全。按照CISA自己的解释,应该命名为Cybersecurity Review Board,但是实际上,这个机构被命名为Cyber Safety Review Board(CSRB)。关于CSRB的职能,请参考其发布的第一份报告


Section 76 of the PRC’s Cybersecurity Act of 2017 defines cybersecurity as the capacity to make a network system stable and secure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of network data by taking necessary actions to prevent a cyberattack, invasion, interruption, illegal use, and incident. The term used in the title is Wǎngluò ānquán.

Later in 2021, twelve Chinese central government agencies prepared and issued the Cybersecurity Review Regulations jointly. The words used in the title of the Regulations, Wǎngluò ānquán, are the same as the words in the Act. However, there is no definition of the same term in these Regulations.

Since China is one big jurisdiction and the lower regulations must not confront the upper law in China. It indicates that the same term shares the exactly same meaning. Besides, all these laws and regulations were made from the perspective of overseeing businesses, not individuals.

Thus, it should be translated as Cybersecurity Review Regulations.

  • Joey Zhang
  • 译者/内容创作者,法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格。
  • 联系方式:JoeytheTranslator@foxmail.com
  • 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证