

中兴通讯将其直译为 restricted regions。这个翻译是错误的。

在美国贸易监管语境中,restricted regions 并非监管机构所用的概念。伊朗、苏丹、叙利亚、朝鲜、古巴和克里米亚地区等受美国制裁的国家或地区,在英文中应当称为 sanctioned destination。

Sanctioned Destinations

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) implements U.S. Government certain sanctions against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria pursuant to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), either unilaterally or to implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

The primary distinction between U.S. sanctions and export controls is that sanctions generally prohibit a broader range of transactions with the restricted party or destination. For instance, under U.S. sanctions, it is not only prohibited to export to a sanctioned destination such as Iran, but it would be prohibited to import from Iran or to offer services to persons located in Iran.

restricted regions list 通常指大学里的出行目的地清单,列举了校方员工不得前往的地区。




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