免责条款(exemption clauses)可以细分成两类,责任限制条款(limitation of liability clauses)和完全免责条款(exclusion clauses)。两者仅有程度上的不同。

  • 责任限制:例如张三收取了李四10万元服务费,同时合同约定张三承担的潜在赔偿最多不超过10万元。
  • 完全免责:例如张三收取了李四10万元服务费,同时合同约定张三不承担任何赔偿责任。

"There are two categories of exemption clauses: exclusion clauses and limitation of liability clauses. The difference between the two is that in the former, the liability of a party may be completely excluded (an example may be a clause that establishes that the party will not be legally responsible in the case of late delivery of goods); whilst in the latter, the liability may be limited to a certain extent but not completely excluded. An example of such a clause would state that the party would not be liable for an amount greater than the purchase price if the goods are defective."


  1. 《免责条款效力的认定》
  2. 《民法典》违约责任九大条款立法解读,iCourt