Updated on Feb. 22, 2023

The well-known Chinese government's slogan, fang guan fu, is a three-character acronym used as shorthand for the campaign that “the Chinese government should simplify and relax the government administration, oversee the market pursuant to law, and provide better service to businesses.” The three-character acronym is too short, resulting in difficulty to find a very short English equivalent meaning the same thing.

See A Look Back at China's Economy, Policy, and Regulatory Developments During the 19th Party Congress Term

"The most concerted effort to achieve this has been through Premier Li Keqiang's fangguanfu campaign. Fanggyuanfu is a short-hand term that roughly translates to streamlining administration, delegating powers to lower-level governments, and optimizing regulations and services. First launched in 2013, the fangguanfu campaign has seen significant progress over the last five years through decentralization, cuts to red tape, reductions in administrative penalties, and more."






  • Joey Zhang
  • 译者/内容创作者,法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格。
  • 联系方式:JoeytheTranslator@foxmail.com
  • 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证