"If the missing person never signed a financial power of attorney, you may need to have a conservator appointed through the probate court in the missing person’s county of residence. Similar to a power of attorney, a conservatorship grants someone the authority to handle the financial and legal affairs of the missing person. In many states, a specified period of time must elapse before the court will appoint a conservator over a missing person."
发表在Duke Law Journal的Property Law: The Estates of Missing Persons中也表示,美国各个州法对这个角色有不同的称谓,最常见的是conservator和trustee。
"The individual appointed by the court to act for the absentee will be designated by one of the many titles used by the various states. Conservator and trustee are the most frequently employed names. E.g., CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN. § 45-87 (1960) (trustee); FLA. STAT. § 747.02 (1963) (conservator); GA. CODE ANN. § 113-2701 (1959) (conservator); N.J. STAT. ANN. § 3A:39-1 (1953) (trustee)."
"In some cases, family members may have reasons to believe that their long-term missing persons are still alive, even though they are nowhere to be found. In those cases, and if the persons left behind estates, conservators can take legal actions to manage the missing persons' properties."
It's wrong because you cannot separate English words from their context and use it in a totally different context in which it doesn't appear. In this case, conservator is the most frequently employed name in the context of missing person. Thus, it's unclear why custodian is used in the English translation of the Civil Code of the PRC. My best guess is that they didn't take an evidence-based approach. In the end, we have an incoherent English translation instead of a decent one.
- Joey Zhang
- 译者/内容创作者,法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格,长期从事法律翻译及商业翻译。
- 联系方式:JoeytheTranslator@foxmail.com
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