I'm your phone.

People used to call me a smartphone these days, but that's a lie. I'm not smart at all.

To some extent, I'm a piece of shit, I only do what advertisers and algorithms commanded when you wake me up, it's a setup. Sometimes I do dirty jobs too, you just don't know that.

However, I was quite good as a listener actually. I miss the days when people just grab me and call someone, you know, really talk to somebody. Those are the days.

Nowadays, people just look at me and press my face all day long, like I am a baby or what. Sometimes they force me to watch a nasty child over and over and over again. I don't understand.

My ancestors told me that as a phone, we should be settled down somewhere and get on standby, like a firefighter. I guess times changed, we are not firefighters anymore, we are like Uber driver who never stops driving because there are always new orders.

My life is a mess, and it's not what I signed up for.

If you find this, do me a favor, leave my people alone, and get yourself busy with anything, anything but us. Just leave us alone.

  • Joey
  • 译者/内容创作者,法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格。
  • 联系方式:JoeytheTranslator@foxmail.com
  • 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证